12 July The European Council formally adopts the Joint Action that officially creates the European Defence Agency. Shortly after, Nick Witney is appointed Chief Executive of the Agency by Javier Solana, EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy. 2004 2005 Absorbing the work of WEAG and WEAO into EDA will give R&T collaboration a much stronger political impulse.

Nick Witney
EDA Chief Executive (2005)
The new Agency sets up a strategic framework for defence, built around three main pillars: Research & Technology Strategy; Armaments Cooperation Strategy; and European Defence Technological and Industrial Base Strategy, headed by a Capability Development Plan. At the same time, the European Defence Agency adopts a capability-driven approach, where capability needs and requirements would drive the whole chain of defence cooperation. EDA begins work on the creation of an European Defence Equipment Market (EDEM).
EDA Steering Board of Defence Ministers approves an “intergovernmental regime to improve the transparency and promotion of competition in the European defence equipment market” together with a “Defence Procurement Code of Conduct”. April The Steering Board agrees that the Agency should gradually take over the activities of the Western European Armaments Group (WEAG) and the Western European Armaments Organisation (WEAO) by the first quarter of 2006. December The first R&T contract is awarded by EDA to a consortium led by Patria for a study regarding remotely piloted air systems (RPAS), technologies and focusing on “Digital Line of Sight & Beyond Line of Sight Data Links”. 2005
March An administrative arrangement is signed with Norway, enabling the country to take part in EDA projects and programmes. February
The first EDA Annual Conference gathers high-level officials from Member States and EU institutions, providing the first major opportunity to engage with stakeholders around the Agency’s new agenda. April
The Measures to support the implementation of EDA’s “Defence Procurement Code of Conduct” are approved. Shortly after, the Executive Committee of the Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD) agrees to co-sign the Code of Best Practice in the Supply Chain (CoBPSC), committing its members to abide by this Code when it is technically and financially viable in its subcontracts. 2006
From left to right : Hilmar Linnenkamp (EDA Deputy Chief Executive), Thomas Enders (ASD president), Gunther Verheugen (European Commissionner for Entreprise and Industry), Javier Solana (Head of EDA) and Nick Witney (EDA Chief Executive) during a 2006 keynote speech. October Work begins on the first Joint Investment Programme (JIP) on Research and Technology. The programme set out to study 18 technologies relating to five military capabilities focused on protecting the Armed Forces. Nineteen countries join the 55 M€ programme, including Norway. July A Code of Conduct for promoting competition in defence procurement is launched and subscribed to by all EDA Member States. 2006 Strategies are needed - they provide direction and define aims ­but, naturally, they themselves do not deliver capabilities. We need concrete programmes and projects to turn theory into practice. This is where I want to see change

Alexander Weis
EDA Chief Executive (2007)
February The second EDA Annual Conference takes place, this time focusing on the European Defence Technological & Industrial Base (EDTIB). This lays the ground work for the approval of Europe’s Defence Technological and Industrial Base Strategy in May the same year. January Bulgaria and Romania join the European Defence Agency. 2007
December The Agency signs first contracts under a new R&T Joint Investment Programme dedicated to Force Protection, representing a total investment of more than € 13 million. May The 2007 EDA Annual Conference focuses on the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base Alexander Weis, who was previously acting as Chief of Staff in the Directorate General of Armaments of the German Ministry of Defence, is appointed as EDA Chief Executive by Javier Solana. He takes office in October. 2007 July The Steering Board endorses the initial version of the Capability Development Plan (CDP), developed in close cooperation with participating Member States, the Council Secretariat and the EU Military Committee with the support of the EU Military Staff. A driver for the work of all the Agency’s Directorates, the CDP is designed to be a strategic tool and to define future capability needs from the short to longer term. The CDP intends to inform national plans and programmes, but is not a supranational plan. It is designed to be constantly refreshed to take into account evolving strategic challenges as well as Member States’ potential new priorities. May Defence Ministers launch the Agency’s second Joint Investment Programme, on emerging technologies that may negatively impact the battlefield (Disruptive Defence Technologies). Eleven countries join the project, investing a total of 15.5M€. November A declaration of intent is signed by 12 countries to establish a European Air Transport Fleet (EATF), with the objective of reducing European air transport shortfalls by all means available. At the same time, ten Member States plus Norway agree to work together for the future replacement of their maritime mine countermeasures (MMCM) capabilities. 2008 June The Steering Board endorses the initial version of the Capability Development Plan (CDP), developed in close cooperation with participating Member States, the Council Secretariat and the EU Military Committee with the support of the EU Military Staff. A driver for the work of all the Agency’s Directorates, the CDP is designed to be a strategic tool and to define future capability needs from the short to longer term. The CDP intends to inform national plans and programmes, but is not a supranational plan. It is designed to be constantly refreshed to take into account evolving strategic challenges as well as Member States’ potential new priorities. March The fourth annual conference of the Agency focuses on shortfalls in helicopter capabilities. It paves the way for the approval of the Helicopter Training Programme a few months later, in November. The same month, the first EDA Helicopter Exercise is hosted in the French Alps, marking the beginning of a series a successful rotary-wing training event that are now hosted by partner Member States on an annual basis. Work is launched on the establishment of a Procurement Cell to coordinate EU Member States’ orders of commercial satellite communication services. Beginning as a three-year pilot project, this successful initiative will later evolve into what is now known as the EU Satcom Market. 2009 The Helicopter Training Programme is another tangible result of the European Defence Agency’s work. It will deliver immediately more helicopter capabilities, which we all know is a continuous shortfall in deployed operations

Javier Solana
Head of EDA and High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, 2009
July The Defence and Security Procurement Directive is adopted by the European Parliament and the Council. It sets community procurement rules which are adapted to the specificities of the defence and security sectors. It allows, for example, the use of the negotiated procedure with publication as the standard procedure and provides special provisions for security of supply and security of information. 2009
Catherine Ashton is appointed as High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission. Starting 1 December 2009, she acts as Head of the European Defence Agency and leads its Steering Board. Launch of the MIDCAS project during the 2009 Paris Air Show
April A “Wise Pen Team” of five admirals submits its report to the Ministerial Steering Board regarding Maritime Surveillance needs in support of CSDP, effectively paving the way for EDA’s work as part of the Marsur program. February The annual conference focuses on civil-military cooperation under the heading “Bridging Efforts - Connecting Civilian Security and Military Capability Development”. 2010 The Agency has quickly reacted to the needs of European Defence Ministers, who are looking for opportunities to work closely together in order to improve capabilities while budgets are under pressure. Pooling and sharing offers potential for savings, while increasing interoperable capacities

Catherine Ashton
Head of EDA and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (2010)
A new cooperative idea arises under the Belgian presidency of the EU. Following an initial German-Swedish food for thought paper known as the “Ghent initiative” and presented during an informal meeting of the Defence Ministers, the concept of “Pooling & Sharing” national military capabilities emerges. It will guide the Agency’s actions and projects for the following years. July The European Defence Agency and the European Commission co-organise a conference dedicated to Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). Over 450 senior government officials and industry representatives gather to discuss the potential of UAS for European users, their economic, technological and industrial impact, as well as a common European way forward. 2010
November A new cooperative idea arises under the Belgian presidency of the EU. Following an initial German-Swedish food for thought paper known as the “Ghent initiative” and presented during an informal meeting of the Defence Ministers, the concept of “Pooling & Sharing” national military capabilities emerges. It will guide the Agency’s actions and projects for the following years. There is now a widespread understanding that the “pooling and sharing” of military capabilities - doing more together - is an effective response, if not the only possible response, to the financial and military pressure we face. It allows us to deliver more with less. It has become a must, rather than an option

Pieter De Crem
Belgian Minister of Defense, 2012
January Claude-France Arnould succeeds Alexander Weis and becomes the Agency’s third Chief Executive. She joins initially from the European Council, where she was Deputy Director-General for the Crisis Management and Planning Directorate (CMPD), integrated in the EEAS in 2010. 2011 July A new EDA initiative is launched on Effective Procurement Methods in order to find innovative ways to consolidate the demand side of the European Defence Equipment Market. Pooling & Sharing should not be a pretext to reduce efforts. It is a way to harness and maximise investment. My message is that Pooling & Sharing is not excuse to invest less; rather, that it offers a way to acquire together what is out of reach individually and get more efficiency in the employment of these capabilities. Defence effort must remain at the right level in order to ensure European defence is strong and sustainable

Claude-France Arnould
EDA Chief Executive (2011)
September The Theatre Exploitation Laboratory reaches initial operating capability in Afghanistan. This successful EDA project launched in 2010 aimed to develop and build a forensic laboratory to analyse Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) recovered from incidents. The European Defence Agency and the European Commission sign a European Framework Cooperation (EFC) coordination letter. Through this signature, both institutions agree to harmonise their research activities in this specific case in the field of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear protection. An EDA Ministerial Steering Board in 2011 2011 March A framework for cooperation is signed between the European Defence Agency and Switzerland, enabling Swiss participation in EDA’s projects and programmes. June The first European Air Transport Training event (EATT2012) organised by the Agency takes place in Zaragoza, Spain, bringing together tactical air transport assets from six Member States. The first EU Satcom Market contract was signed in 2012
July The Agency signs an administrative arrangement with the Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperation (OCCAR), ensuring closer collaboration between these two majors actor in European defence cooperation. 2012 September
The first framework contract is signed with industry as part of the European Satellite Communications Procurement Cell (now EU Satcom Market). Spain hosted the first European Air Transport Training Event in 2012
November Defence Ministers endorse a Code of Conduct for Pooling & Sharing, thus ensuring that a cooperative approach for the entire life cycle of the product will be considered whenever a Member State is thinking of developing a new capability. Ministers of Defence of twelve Member States sign the Helicopter Exercise Programme Program Arrangement for a duration of ten years. 2012 March Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, addresses the defence community at the European Defence Agency’s annual conference, dedicated to long-term Pooling & Sharing solutions. Defence cooperation is not about the management of decline, it is quite the opposite. It is the way to ensure we remain cutting-edge and fully play our role in the future!

Herman Van Rompuy
President of the European Council (2013)
April The Steering Board approves an Agency initiative to promote the best use of European Structural Funds (ESF) by defence actors with six dual-use pilot projects. Member States approve the establishment of a dedicated programme for the military implementation of the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) Joint Undertaking. EDA is in charge of coordinating military views and of identifying potential operational and financial risks for military users. June The European Defence Agency and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) sign an arrangement for enhanced cooperation between the two structures, specifically covering harmonisation of military aviation safety requirements with a focus on airworthiness. July Croatia joins the European Defence Agency on 1 July. 2013 September The European Defence Agency, Italy and the Movement Coordination Centre Europe (MCCE) jointly organise the first collective European Air-to-Air Refuelling (AAR) clearance trial on the Italian KC-767, in order to improve Europe’s global AAR capabilities. Croatia joins the European Defence Agency on 1 July. July 2013 The 2013 European Council put defence high on the agenda
EDA signs an administrative arrangement with the Serbian Ministry of Defence, enabling Serbia’s participation in the Agency’s projects and programmes. Focused on defence matters, the European Council of December 2013 provides a new impetus and high-level support for the Agency’s work. EDA is given a wide range of tasks, including responsibility for four key programmes : air-to-air refuelling, remotely piloted aircraft systems, cyber defence and governmental satellite communications. The Council also gives EDA various tasks to help strengthen Europe’s defence industry - increasing SME participation and dual-use research, and improving European certification and standardisation. December
February The first EDA-supported dual-use project, called “Turtle”, receives European Structural Funds. Developed by a consortium of Portuguese SMEs, research institutes and universities, its aim is to produce new robotic ascend and descent energy efficient technologies to be incorporated in robotic vehicles used by civil and military stakeholders for underwater operations. May Claude-France Arnould signs a procurement arrangement with General Sir Adrian Bradshaw, Operation Commander of EUFOR Althea and Deputy NATO SACEUR, in direct support of an EU operational mission. Under this arrangement with EUFOR Althea, EDA assumes a lead role in administering the procurement procedure of air-to-ground surveillance services in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The European Defence Agency puts a new structure in place as of 1 January 2014 in order to better support Member States in a rapidly evolving environment. The Agency is re-organised in three operational directorates: Cooperation Planning & Support; Capability, Armaments & Technology; and European Synergies & Innovation. This is meant to facilitate prioritisation of tasks and improve operational output. January
The Agency celebrates its tenth birthday. October EDA organises a joint three-day European Armaments Cooperation Course with the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) to support Member States enhance their interoperability in this crucial domain. The European Defence Agency and Saab Dynamics AB sign a multi-annual framework agreement for the provision of different types of ammunition for the ‘Carl-Gustaf’ recoilless anti-tank weapon, with an estimated value of up to € 50 million. This framework agreement comes under a procurement arrangement signed in 2013 between EDA and Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, and Poland June 2014
March EDA and the Athena mechanism (established to administer the financing of the common costs of European Union operations having military or defence implications) sign an arrangement establishing the framework for future cooperation. Jorge Domecq, a senior Spanish diplomat, is appointed as new Chief Executive, taking office on 2 February 2015. Before joining EDA, Jorge Domecq, was Ambassador Permanent Representative of Spain to the OSCE and prior to that, had served as Ambassador of Spain to the Republic of the Philippines. He also held numerous positions with the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and served as Director of the Private Office of the NATO Secretary General and as Diplomatic Adviser to the Spanish Minister of Defence. January – February 2015 June
EDA and the SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM) sign a Memorandum of Understanding establishing an efficient cooperation between the two organisations with regard to SESAR (Single European Sky Air Traffic Management Research) deployment. I want defence cooperation to be the rule, not the exception. EDA is providing the necessary impetus and means to make this a reality. Your collective role is vital. We are here for results and concrete achievements – and I know you deliver
Federica Mogherini
High Representative and Head of the European Defence Agency
July The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Vice-President of the Commission and Head of EDA, Federica Mogherini, visits the Agency for the first time. She meets with the Agency’s Management Board before addressing the staff. “I want defence cooperation to be the rule, not the exception. EDA is providing the necessary impetus and means to make this a reality. Your collective role is vital. We are here for results and concrete achievements – and I know you deliver”, she said. 2015
September A Strategic Decision-Making Course and a Cyber Crisis Management Exercise are held in Vienna - a joint initiative of EDA, the European Cyber Security Initiative (Estonia), the Austrian Ministry of Defence and the Austrian Ministry of Interior. October The new Council Decision (CFSP) 2015/1835 of 12 October 2015 defining the statute, seat and operational rules of EDA is adopted by Member States. It revises a Council decision of 12 July 2011 which had replaced the Joint Action of the Council of Ministers of 12 July 2004 by which the Agency was created. 2015 November With the new Council decision in place (see previous news), cooperative defence projects and programmes can benefit from VAT exemption whenever the Agency adds value to the initiative. The VAT exemption is a strong incentive to European defence cooperation: it generates an attractive business case for cooperative projects and programmes in the framework of the EDA
Jorge Domecq
EDA Chief Executive
EDA and OCCAR (Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en matière d'Armement) strengthen their cooperation with the signing of a revised guidance document defining the terms of cooperation between the EDA and the Executive Administration of OCCAR as well as between the EDA and OCCAR Member States. The new document develops concepts of cooperation in a more detailed and pragmatic manner with a view to introducing greater synergies in terms of project or programme management. 2015
March EDA hosts a first Hybrid Threats Table Top Exercise (TTX) gathering around 80 experts from Member States, the European Commission, the European External Action Service (Crisis Management and Planning Directorate, EU Military Committee, EU Military Staff), CERT, ENISA and Europol, as well as observers from NATO. The objective was to identify and analyse implications of hybrid threats for European military capability development. It was followed in June by a second TTX which looked into the different capability areas where shortfalls and vulnerabilities have been indicated. 2016 April
EDA, in cooperation with the then Dutch EU Presidency, holds a major R&T Conference in Amsterdam, focused on future technologies and innovation models likely to affect European defence capabilities. Discussions centred on emerging and critical technologies such as cyber, robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI). June The EU Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy (EUGS) is presented by HR/VP and Head of EDA, Federica Mogherini. Only the second of its kind since the 2003 European Security Strategy, the EUGS sets a new level of ambition in relation to defence and military capabilities, in particular by insisting on the need for Europe to develop “an appropriate level of strategic autonomy” in order to guarantee its security and that of its citizens. It also underlines that “Member States will need to move towards defence cooperation as the norm” and urges them to make “full use” of EDA’s potential. The EUGS laid the groundwork for subsequent EU defence initiatives such as CARD, PESCO and the European Defence Fund. 2016
July The EU-NATO Joint Declaration is signed in the margins of the July NATO Summit in Warsaw, meant to reinvigorate end enhance cooperation between the two organisations. Six months later, on 6 December 2016, a set of 42 pragmatic and ambitious follow-up measures are adopted in parallel by the Council of the European Union and the North Atlantic Council at the Foreign Ministers level in Brussels. Member States will need to move towards defence cooperation as the norm
Federica Mogherini
High Representative and Head of the European Defence Agency
October EDA and OCCAR (Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en matière d'Armement) strengthen their cooperation with the signing of a revised guidance document defining the terms of cooperation between the EDA and the Executive Administration of OCCAR as well as between the EDA and OCCAR Member States. The new document develops concepts of cooperation in a more detailed and pragmatic manner with a view to introducing greater synergies in terms of project or programme management. 2016
The Executive Directors of four key European agencies dealing with security and defence (European Union Agency for Network and Information Security - ENISA, Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre - EC3, the EU institutions’ permanent Computer Emergency Response Team CERT-EU and the European Defence Agency) meet at the EDA premises to identify and discuss cooperative opportunities in cyber security and defence. December
EDA and SESAR JU (Single European Sky Air Traffic Management Research Joint Undertaking) sign a Memorandum of Cooperation that promotes collaboration on the next phase of research and innovation in air traffic management (SESAR 2020). 2016
March Rose Gottemoeller, NATO’s Deputy Secretary General, visits EDA to discuss the implementation of the EU-NATO Joint Declaration in which the Agency plays a central role. It is the first time such a high-level NATO representative visits the European Defence Agency. April
The Swiss government announces that the country will participate in its first EDA project under the ‘Framework for Cooperation’ agreed with the Swiss ministry of Defence in 2012. The research project in question deals with the Protection of Autonomous Systems against Enemy Interference (PASEI). Following a proposal by the Head of Agency, EDA Member States decide unanimously to extend the initial 3-year mandate of Jorge Domecq as the Agency’s Chief Executive for an additional 2 years (up to 1 February 2020). The extension comes at a particularly critical time when EDA is called to play an important role in the implementation of the EU Global Strategy and subsequent EU defence initiatives, as well as of the EU-NATO Joint Declaration. 2017
May The Council of the European Union approves the modalities to establish the Coordinated Annual Review on Defence (CARD) starting with a ‘trial run’ involving all Member States as of autumn 2017. In its role as CARD Secretariat, EDA will during this trial run compile all available information on participating Member States’ defence expenditure and capability development plans, followed by bilateral dialogues between participating Member States and EDA and the EU Military Staff in order to complete, discuss and clarify the data. A final CARD Trial Run Report is to be presented to Member States in autumn 2018. The project arrangement for EDA’s first ever cyber defence ‘Pooling & Sharing’ project is signed by 11 contributing Member States. The ‘Cyber Ranges Federation Project’ intends to increase the availability of existing and emerging cyber range facilities and to improve cyber defence training, exercises and testing at European level. 2017 May At a ministerial EDA Steering Board meeting chaired by Federica Mogherini, Member States’ Defence Ministers endorse the conclusions and recommendations of the Agency’s Long Term Review (LTR). The LTR had been launched in summer 2017 with a view to reinforcing the Agency to keep it fit for purpose in the light of upcoming, more ambitious tasks and challenges deriving from the EU’s new Global Strategy. The agreed LTR conclusions strengthen EDA as the main intergovernmental prioritisation instrument at EU level in support of capability development. They also identify and enhance EDA as the preferred cooperation forum and management support structure at EU level to engage in technology and capability development activities, ranging from R&T to critical enablers, exercise and training as well as support to operations, including the industrial dimension. Finally, the Agency is also reinforced as an interface between Member States and EU institutions and as a central operator for EU-funded defence-related activities. The European Commission and EDA sign a Delegation Agreement by which the Commission entrusts the Agency with the management of the Preparatory Action on Defence Research (PADR) to be launched in early June. The aim of the Preparatory Action, the first substantial EU funded action for defence research, is to demonstrate the added-value of EU-funded research in the defence sector and lay the grounds for a fully-fledged EU defence R&D programme in the Multi-annual Financial Framework commencing in 2021. May 2017 June EDA published the first calls for proposals for the EU’s Preparatory Action on Defence Research (PADR), covering three domains: a technological demonstrator for enhanced situational awareness in a naval environment; research in technology and products in the context of Force Protection and Soldier Systems; strategic technology foresight. The budget for the PADR related actions in 2017 is €25 million. The Head of the Agency, Federica Mogherini, and the Minister of Defence of Spain, Dolores de Cospedal, open the European Tactical Airlift Centre (ETAC) in Zaragoza. The opening of ETAC marks an important step forward in European defence cooperation as well as joint collaboration with the establishment of a permanent operational base for advanced tactical airlift training. The ETAC opening represents the largest transfer of a project, created and developed by EDA, to one of its Member States on a permanent basis. 2017 September EU Defence Ministers participate in ‘EU CYBRID 2017’, the first ever strategic table-top cyber defence exercise jointly organised by the Estonian EU Presidency and EDA. EDA’s Steering Board appoints Olli Ruutu as the Agency’s new Deputy Chief Executive as of March 2018. He previously served as the Deputy National Armaments Director at the Finnish Ministry of Defence and Director of the Materiel Unit at the Resource Policy Department. November 2017 December EU and NATO Councils take EU-NATO cooperation to a new level by endorsing a new set of common proposals on the implementation of the July 2016 Joint Declaration. The initial 42 cooperation proposals endorsed in December 2016 are complemented by 32 new proposals, covering new topics such as counter-terrorism, women, peace and security and military mobility. EDA is involved in the implementation of 30 of the 74 proposals. The Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) in the area of security and defence policy is established by a Council decision, with 25 EU Member States participating. The European External Action Service (EEAS), including the EU Military Staff (EUMS), and EDA jointly act as the PESCO Secretariat. In this role, EDA supports the annual assessment of PESCO Member States’ contributions with regard to capabilities. The Agency also facilitates capability development projects under PESCO, in particular by coordinating the assessment of projects proposals in the area of capability development. EDA also support Member States in ensuring that there is no unnecessary duplication with existing initiatives also in other institutional contexts 2017 February EDA and the European Investment Bank (EIB) sign a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen cooperation between the two institutions. As a first step, EDA and EIB envisage to work together on the setting up of a Cooperative Financial Mechanism (CFM) to support cooperative projects where unsynchronised defence budgets hinder or impede the launch or implementation of such projects. The Agency launches the EDA Defence Innovation Prize rewarding companies and research entities who propose innovative and ground-breaking technologies, products, processes or services applicable in the defence domain. EDA publishes the 2018 calls for proposals for the EU’s Preparatory Action on Defence Research (PADR), focusing on three topics: European high-performance, trustable (re)configurable system-on-a-chip or system-in-package components for defence applications; European high power laser effector; Strategic technology foresight, tackling the issue of the critical defence technological dependencies for the EU. March February 2018 March The Head of the Agency, Federica Mogherini, announces an Action Plan on Military Mobility, based on EDA’s roadmap, identifying a series of operational measures to tackle physical, procedural or regulatory barriers which hamper military mobility. The Commission, the European External Action Service (EEAS) and EDA agree to work in close coordination with the Member States for the effective implementation of these actions. 2018 June EDA’s Steering Board in Capability Directors formation endorses the 2018 Capability Development Plan (CDP) and the associated 11 EU Capability Development Priorities which serves as a key reference for the implementation of major European defence initiatives launched following the 2016 EU Global Strategy, such as the Coordinated Annual Review on Defence (CARD), the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), and the European Defence Fund (EDF). Six EDA Member States (Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Finland, Germany and Latvia) sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the pooling and sharing of their respective cyber ranges capabilities. It is a first important outcome of EDA’s Cyber Ranges Federation Project launched in May 2017 in which a total of 11 EDA Member States participate. 2018 June EDA’s Steering Board in Capability Directors formation endorses the 2018 Capability Development Plan (CDP) and the associated 11 EU Capability Development Priorities which serves as a key reference for the implementation of major European defence initiatives launched following the 2016 EU Global Strategy, such as the Coordinated Annual Review on Defence (CARD), the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), and the European Defence Fund (EDF). Six EDA Member States (Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Finland, Germany and Latvia) sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the pooling and sharing of their respective cyber ranges capabilities. It is a first important outcome of EDA’s Cyber Ranges Federation Project launched in May 2017 in which a total of 11 EDA Member States participate. 2018 September The first Air-to-Air Refueling (AAR) conference in Europe is organised by EDA in Brussels, gathering some 200 experts, stakeholders, industry representatives and political/military decision-makers from the European, transatlantic and international AAR community. EDA’s CARD Trial Run Report is discussed and welcomed at the Agency’s Ministerial Steering Board. Defence Ministers agree to establish CARD as a standing activity with the first full cycle to be launched in autumn 2019. The aim of CARD is to serve as a pathfinder and to provide the September overview that will allow Member States to better coordinate their defence planning and spending and engage in collaborative projects, improving consistency in Member States defence spending and overall coherence of the European capability landscape. 2018 The Cyber education, training, exercise and evaluation (ETEE) platform was launched at the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) with the support of EDA, the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the European Commission. The main task of the platform is the coordination of cyber security and defence training and education for EU Member States. EDA’s Steering Board in Research and Technology Director’s composition validated the review outcome of the Overarching Strategic Research Agenda (OSRA), including the 139 developed Technology Building Blocks (TBBs). The updated OSRA version provides a necessary link between R&T efforts and the military tasks and long-term capability needs of the Capability Development Plan (CDP). Combining a top-down approach (from capability needs to technologies) and a bottom-up approach (from new emerging technologies to capabilities), OSRA aims at streamlining Europe’s defence research priorities and informing Member States’ decision-making process on defence research. 2018 February
A new cooperation arrangement was signed by EDA and ATHENA, the mechanism which handles the financing of common costs relating to EU military operations under the EU's common security and defence policy (CSDP). The new arrangement, which replaces the A new cooperation arrangement was signed by EDA and ATHENA, the mechanism which handles the financing of common costs relating to EU military operations under the EU's common security and defence policy (CSDP). The new arrangement, which replaces the previous one signed in 2015, includes the option for any CSDP operation or mission commander to call upon EDA to provide technical and administrative support for their most complex procurement procedures. 2019
March More than 500 high-level representatives from Ministries of Defence, defence research institutes, industry, academia and the European institutions attended the “Capability-Driven Defence Research and Innovation” conference in Bucharest which was co-organised by EDA and the Romanian EU Presidency . The event showcased new prioritisation instruments for defence research, technology and innovation, highlighted potential synergies to be achieved on research priorities at national and European level and provided an update on the latest developments on the European Defence Fund. 2019 March/April
On 22 March, the HR/VP provided to the Council the first annual report on the status of PESCO implementation. The report is based on the assessment made by the PESCO Secretariat (in which EDA plays a central role, together with the European External Action Service including the EU Military Staff) of participating Member States’ National Implementation Plans (NIPs). On 8 April, the PESCO Secretariat provided to the Council the report on the Initial Lessons Identified on PESCO projects, which was developed in close consultation with the participating Member States. This report provided short term recommendations to be taken in consideration in view of future PESCO calls as well as and long-term recommendations. 2019
May In the margins of EDA Steering Board, 23 Member States (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden) and EDA signed a new programme that will facilitate the granting of cross-border surface and air movement permissions. The programme is developed in the framework of EDA’s work on military mobility. It implements an important part of the ‘Action Plan on Military Mobility’ presented by the HR/VP and the Commission in March 2018. The second phase of the Consultation Forum for Sustainable Energy in the Defence and Security Sector (CF SEDSS II) was successfully closed at a conference in Bucharest attended by Gabriel-Beniamin Leș, the Romanian Defence Minister, Dominique Ristori, the European Commission Director-General for Energy and Jorge Domecq, EDA’s Chief Executive. At the same event, the launch of the phase III of the Consultation Forum was announced. It focuses on … June
June On 25 June, EDA celebrated its 15th Anniversary with a ceremony in its premises attended by the Head of the Agency, Federica Mogherini, high representatives (Ministers, Deputy Ministers, State Secretaries, Chiefs of Defence, Ambassadors) from its 27 Member States and the four associated countries, the Chairman of the EU Military Committee, Deputy Secretary-Generals of the EEAS, the Director General of the EU Military Staff, several European Commissioners and Commission Director- Generals, Executive Directors and senior officials of all EU institutions and agencies, NATO senior representatives as well representatives from the European defence industry and the media. In her commemoration speech, Federica Mogherini, the Head of the Agency, recalled the tremendous progress made in European defence cooperation over recent years - especially since the publication of the EU Global Strategy in 2016 - and stressed the role played by EDA in this endeavour. 2019 June EDA’s Steering Board in Capability Directors composition endorsed the first edition of the Strategic Context Cases (SCC) which will guide the practical implementation of the 2018 EU Capability Development Priorities. The SCC should ensure the priorities are implemented in a way that improves the coherence of the European capability landscape and leads to cooperative projects which contribute to close identified capability shortfalls. EDA’s Steering Board cleared the way for the new Multinational Helicopter Training Centre (MHTC) to be established in Sintra, Portugal. The opening of this new advanced tactical helicopter training facility is foreseen by the end of 2022. The MHTC will consist of office space for the technical, administrative and training delivery staff, simulator facilities and a dedicated accommodation block. It will also develop a more coordinated approach to European helicopter training and will try to harmonise national approaches and drive synergies with NATO doctrine. August 2019 September EDA and the European Air Transport Command (EATC) established a new cooperation framework, through an exchange of letters, that further strengthens the ties between the two. The exchange of letters, which took place at the EDA premises in the presence of EATC Commander Major General Laurent Marboeuf and EDA Chief Executive Jorge Domecq, builds on the already existing cooperation. The letters exchanged identify new areas for enhanced cooperation between the EDA and EATC such as air mobility, fixed-wing training cooperation, military aviation, military mobility and other cross-cutting activities. 2019 September The third phase of the Consultation Forum for Sustainable Energy in the Defence and Security Sector (CF SEDSS III) was launched at a meeting attended, inter alia, by Miguel Arias Cañete, the European Commissioner for Energy and Climate Action, and Jorge Domecq, EDA’s Chief Executive. Phase III will last for four years and address the implementation of the EU legal framework on energy efficiency, renewable energy and energy security in the defence and security sector as well as prepare the defence sector for new technologies such as digitalisation, artificial intelligence, e-mobility and other innovative energy systems. 2019 March
Jiří Šedivý appointed as new EDA Chief Executive
The EDA Steering Board appointed Jiří Šedivý, former Czech Defence Minister, as new EDA Chief Executive upon recommendation of the Head of the European Defence Agency Josep Borrell. He took office in April 2020. Jiří Šedivý has extensive experience in the defence domain, having served as Defence Minister of the Czech Republic (2006-2007), Deputy Defence Minister (2010-
2012), NATO Assistant Secretary General for Defence Policy and Planning (2007-2010) and Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic to NATO (2012-2019). He also was Deputy Minister for European Affairs of the Czech Republic (2007). On 1 September 2019 (and until his EDA appointment), Mr Šedivý was appointed by the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs as special representative for resilience and new threats. 2020
April JEDA supports DIVEPACK PESCO project
The Agency's Steering Board approved the launch of a specific EDA ad hoc project which will contribute to the implementation of a Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) project aimed at developing a Deployable Modular Underwater Intervention Capability Package (DIVEPACK). Bulgaria, which leads a group of three PESCO participating countries involved in
DIVEPACK (together with France and Greece), had formally requested the Agency’s support for moving this ambitious project forward. The DIVEPACK project aims at developing an interoperable specialised modular asset called “DIVEPACK Unit” which will enable the full spectrum of defensive underwater divers’ interventions both at sea and in inland bodies of water, in support of EU missions. 2020
June First MRTT aircraft delivered to Eindhoven
The Multinational Multirole Tanker and Transport Fleet (MMF) aimed to increase Air-to-Air Refuelling capabilities in Europe, reached a significant milestone when the first Multi-Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) aircraft was delivered to the fleet’s main operating base in Eindhoven. In total, the fleet could count up to 11 Airbus A330 MRTT aircraft of which eight have already been procured. The remaining aircraft (2 to 8) will be delivered in the coming years: a brand new MRTT will be delivered
roughly every six months to either Eindhoven/Netherlands as the ‘Main Operating Base’ or to Cologne (Germany) as the ‘Forward Operating Base Plus’. The MMF, managed by the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) with strong support of the Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperation (OCCAR) under the ownership of NATO and operated by an international unit, will provide its six participating Member States (Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Luxembourg, Norway and the Netherlands) with strategic tanker and transport capabilities. 2020
September EDA participates in EU secure SatCom project
EDA joined a new EU research project launched by the European Commission under the HORIZON 2020 programme which aims to develop secure satellite communications for EU governments and institutions. Called ENTRUSTED (‘European Networking for satellite Telecommunication Roadmap for the
governmental Users requiring Secure, inTeroperable, innovativE and standardiseD services’), the project will run until February 2023. Under the leadership of the European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency (GSA) and with a budget of €3 million, ENTRUSTED will identify needs and requirements of secure satellite communication end-users. 2020
October Energy Defence Consultation Forum enters 3rd phase
A two-days online event held under the auspices of the German EU Presidency and hosted by the German Ministry of Defence marked the kick-off of the third phase of the Consultation Forum which will cover the next three years. In Phase III, the Consultation Forum will pursue the implementation of the EU’s legal framework on energy in the defence
sector, and help improve energy efficiency and buildings performance by utilising renewable energy sources and increasing the resilience of defence-related critical energy infrastructures. It will also address cross-cutting topics such as energy management/policy and energy innovative technologies, and identify co-funding and financial instruments to be potentially used for defence energy-related projects. 2020
November EDA presents first CARD report
The first ever Coordinated Annual Review on Defence (CARD) report was presented by EDA to Member States’ Defence Ministers. It identified new opportunities for countries to develop defence capabilities together and recommended six next generation high impact capabilities as ‘focus areas’ for joint European development efforts. The report also identified collaborative opportunities for R&T. The analytical part of the review found that the European defence landscape is still characterised by high levels of fragmentation and low investment in cooperation.
November Maritime Surveillance project takes next step
EDA’s Maritime Surveillance (MARSUR) project entered its third phase, focused on the development of a next generation system. Whereas the precedent project phase (MARSUR II) dealt with network maintenance and addressed outstanding issues with the MARSUR Exchange System, MARSUR III will also enhance the system’s interoperability with other maritime security regimes. The overall objective is to enhance MARSUR’s operational use in CSDP missions and operations.
December Annual Conference held in hybrid format
The Agency’s Annual Conference 2020 entitled 'Sustaining European Defence’ was, for the first time ever, organised in a fully hybrid format due to sanitary restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. A broad audience representing the whole European defence spectrum (governments, armed forces, industry, EU institutions, NATO, think tanks and media) was connected remotely to listen to speeches and panel discussions and also take part in debates through interactive Q&A sessions
January EDA supports ‘European Patrol Corvette’ PESCO project
The Agency launched an ad hoc project which will contribute to the implementation of a Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) project aimed at developing a European Patrol Corvette. Italy, which leads a group of four PESCO participating countries involved in EPC (together with France, Spain and Greece), had requested the Agency’s
support for moving this ambitious project forward. Part of the third batch of PESCO projects approved in November 2019, the project aims at designing and developing a new class of military ship, named “European Patrol Corvette” (EPC), which will host several systems and payloads able to accomplish a large number of tasks and missions in a modular and flexible way. 2021
February EDA and the European Space Agency (ESA) agreed to jointly explore all technology and capability opportunities for the gradual evolution and development of Next-Generation Secure Satellite Communication (NGSSC) systems required for the benefit of their respective Member States, user communities and industry. To this end, a Memorandum of Intent was signed which expands the existing ESA/EDA cooperation framed by the Administrative Agreement signed in 2011. 2021 April EDA participates in NATO cyber defence exercise
EDA took part in Exercise ‘Locked Shields 2021’, the largest and most complex international live-fire cyber defence exercise organised by the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of
Excellence (CCDCOE). Taking place every spring since 2010, this exercise put a special focus on the need for cyber defenders and strategic decision-makers to understand the numerous interdependencies between national IT systems. 2021
April EDA and EUROCONTROL sign joint work programme
The agreement signed by EDA Chief Executive Jiří Šedivý and Eamonn Brennan (Director General EUROCONTROL) updates the two organisations’ complementary activities in support of the military in the context of the Single European Sky (SES) and SESAR.
May EDA holds Technology Foresight Exercise
EDA held the first virtual event of the Technology Foresight Exercise in which participated more than 160 experts from EDA Member States (and the countries associated with the Agency) as well as from governmental and international organisations, research centres, academia, and industry. The event was part of a wider defence technology foresight exercise which was launched by the Agency in January and ran until the end of 2021.
June HRVP Josep Borrell visits EDA
The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, visited the Agency premises in Brussels. As Head of EDA, Mr Borrell was presented with a broad overview of EDA’s current work, its ongoing projects and its outlook as a critical provider of security and defence services to the EU and its Member States.
July HR management tool deployed to operations IRINI and ATALANTA
EDA’s ‘J1 Functional Area Service’ (J1FAS), a specialist software tool aimed at facilitating and supporting the management of human resources (HR) in national and international military missions, has recently been deployed to
two additional EU CSDP operations: the European Union Naval Force Mediterranean Operation IRINI (EUNAVFOR MED IRINI) which aims to enforce the United Nations arms embargo to Libya, and counter-piracy military operation ATALANTA at sea off the Horn of Africa. 2021
August Sea demonstration for OCEAN2020 in the Baltic Sea
OCEAN2020, the largest research project funded under the Preparatory Action on Defence Research (PADR), concluded two successful days of testing in the Hanö Bay, Sweden. The live demonstration, which involved a prototype of an EU Maritime Operations Centre installed at EDA, marked a major milestone for the project in demonstrating enhanced situational awareness in a maritime environment through the integration of new technologies for unmanned systems.
October New REACH work roadmap adopted
EDA Member States agreed on a new work roadmap for the years 2021-2023 that will guide the Agency’s effort towards a more structured and transparent approach in supporting the main purpose of the EU Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) which is to protect human health and the environment while, at the same time, ensure the operational effectiveness of Member States’ armed forces.
October EDA & ESA deepen cooperation on cyber resilience
EDA and the European Space Agency (ESA) agreed to further deepen their already close cooperation in the cyber domain. The objective of the enhanced cooperation, approved through an Exchange of Letter between EDA Chief Executive Jiří Šedivý and ESA Director General Josef Aschbacher, is to further expand the cyber resilience cooperation between the two organisations.
November EDA personnel recovery simulator inaugurated
EDA’s prototype Tactical Personnel Recovery Mission Simulator (TPRMS) was officially inaugurated at Italian Air Base Poggio-Renatico, the host organisation of the project which was launched in April 2019 to test Virtual Reality (VR) technology and simulation-based software in order to easily create customisable and realistic training environments. The new simulator marks a significant achievement for the European Personnel Recovery community as no such capability existed until then in Europe.
December Annual Conference on Defence Innovation
The Agency’s Annual Conference 2021 entitled 'Innovation in European Defence’ was held in hybrid format with a vast audience either connected remotely or physically present to listen to speeches and panel discussions and also actively take part in debates through Q&A sessions. The conference was opened by the Head of the Agency, HR Josep Borrell, and European Council President Charles Michel.
December 100th Steering Board meeting held
EDA Member States’ defence research (R&T) Directors met for a Steering Board meeting which stood out not only for its forward-looking agenda focused on defence innovation and the impact of key technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence and autonomous systems on defence, but also because it was the 100th Steering Board meeting since the creation of the Agency in 2004.
January EDA becomes project manager of CBRN RSS
EDA has taken over the role of project manager of the Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Surveillance Reconnaissance Surveillance System (CBRN RSS) project which is being funded and implemented under the European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP).
February New Energy Consultation Forum project to promote low carbon military camps
A French project idea to enhance the resilience and viability of fossil free and low carbon military camps has received funding from the French Ministry of Defence (MoD) for conducting a feasibility study. The 'ENSSURE' project (ENergy Self-Sufficient REsilient military base) was conceptualised under the Consultation Forum for Sustainable Energy in the Defence and Security Sector (CF SEDSS) under the leadership of France and with the support of Belgium, Bulgaria and Norway. EDA also provided technical support to the project, including for accessing EU funding.
February Activation of first capability developed under PESCO points to strength of cooperation in cyber defence
For the first time a capability developed within the framework of EU’s Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) project has been formally activated in an operational context. The Lithuania-coordinated Cyber Rapid Response Teams (CRRTs) and Mutual Assistance in Cyber Security typically consists of 8-12 cybersecurity experts pooled from participating Member States who can provide assistance in the event of a cyber incident. The CRRTs were activated following a request from Ukraine to help the country's institutions facing cybersecurity challenges
March EDA’s Annual Report 2021 is out
Amid rising threats in an increasingly tense geo-strategic environment, especially along the EU’s borders, EDA was involved last year in all major efforts to bring EU defence cooperation forward: from the preparation of the Strategic Compass and ministerial discussions on defence innovation, to the implementation of PESCO and European Defence Fund sponsored projects and the launch of the second Coordinated Annual Review on Defence cycle. The 2021 Annual Report provides a comprehensive overview of the work accomplished in EDA’s various activity domains throughout the past year.
May First European Defence Innovation Day marks launch of HEDI
EDA launched the first ever European Defence Innovation Day, under the auspices of the French EU Presidency. The event allowed a 500-strong audience - in the conference room and remotely - to listen to interesting and lively speeches and panel discussions, to visit the onsite European Defence Innovation Exhibition, and to take part in a series of separate thematic ‘Tech-Talks’. The Defence Innovation Day marks the official launch - and first activity - of the Hub for European Defence Innovation (HEDI) which was established within EDA following a decision by Member States’ Defence Ministers in May 2022.
July FIRE BLADE 2022 promotes interoperability and multinational deployments
The 16th Blade exercise performed under the frame of EDA’s Helicopter Exercise Programme (HEP), was hosted at Pápa Airbase, Hungary in June 2022. The exercise, which marked the 10th anniversary of the creation of the Agency’s HEP, achieved all expected national and multinational objectives, including the preparation of aircrews and units for the challenges of modern military operations.
July PESCO: European Medical Command project operational
On 30 May 2022, the European Medical Command, a Germany-led PESCO project launched in March 2018, reached Full Operational Capability (FOC). Supported by 18 countries, it will benefit the EU and NATO with an enduring medical capability to increase medical operational readiness and interoperability for future joint and combined operations.
September Development, Delivery and Determination: PESCO forging ahead
The Permanent Structured Cooperation, or PESCO, is among the most ambitious EU defence initiatives. Launched in December 2017, it aims to increase defence cooperation among the participating EU Member States to a new level. Twenty-five participating states signed up to 20 more binding commitments to jointly plan, develop and invest in shared capability projects. As PESCO approaches its fifth anniversary, the PESCO Secretariat – the European Defence Agency, the European External Action Service and the European Union Military Staff – have prepared an annual PESCO Projects Progress Report which highlights the underlying diversity of progress in ongoing projects.
EDA study analyses defence industrial strategies
The war in Ukraine is a dramatic reminder that the European Union needs a robust, globally competitive European Defence Technological and Industrial Base. While defence industrial policy remains a Member States’ prerogative, the past few months have seen progress in several EU policy initiatives for increasing joint defence expenditures, reducing EU strategic dependencies, boosting civil-military innovation, and more recently, promoting joint defence procurement. An EDA study has analysed the latest national defence industrial strategies and policies in EDA participating Member States relevant for the development, production, and procurement of defence equipment. The aim was to provide an overview of existing national strategies and policy documents and evaluate how far they take into account the EU defence environment and influence national attitudes toward EU defence cooperation.
EDA Defence in Space Forum launched
The European Defence Agency launched its new Defence in Space (DiS) Forum. During its first meeting, which was co-facilitated by France and Spain and included representatives from 17 EDA participating Member States, the EU Military Staff and the European External Action Service, defence and space ambitions, needs and initiatives were discussed.
EU Defence Ministers approve significant EDA budget increase
European Union Ministers of Defence approved budget increase for 2023, reflecting the Union’s higher level of ambition and a tangible reinforcement of the Agency in support of growing national defence efforts. The EDA budget for 2023 has risen by 15% to € 43.5 million, compared to 2022. An important part of the increased budget is set to be invested by EDA in innovation through the Agency’s Hub for Defence Innovation (HEDI). This rise also cements EDA’s role as the EU’s main forum for defence cooperation, in full support of national strategies.
European defence spending surpasses €200 billion for first time
The annual Defence Data report for 2020-2021, detailing defence spending in the EU, showed a 6% increase in 2021 compared to 2020. At €214 billion, total defence expenditure corresponds to 1.5% of the 26 EDA Member States’ gross domestic product (GDP), the same as recorded in 2020. EDA’s report finds that Member States are investing more than ever on the procurement of defence equipment and research and development with a 16% rise compared to 2020, totalling a record €52 billion.
December European Commission, EDA and OCCAR sign European Defence Fund agreements
EDA begins managing four strategic defence projects of the European Defence Fund (EDF), which co-finances multinational defence projects using money from the EU’s long-term budget.
EDA supporting two PESCO projects on future European airlift capabilities
EDA supports two PESCO projects focused on shaping future European airlift capabilities, for both mid-sized and out-sized cargo, following a request from their project coordinators. EDA is tasked to assist with harmonisation of the requirements for two platforms; the Future Medium-Size Tactical Cargo (FMTC) and the Strategic Air Transport For Outsized Cargo (SATOC). Both projects were launched in the fourth wave of PESCO projects and are coordinated by France and Germany, respectively; with the FMTC also gathering Germany, Spain and Sweden as project members and Czechia, France and Netherlands in the four-nation SATOC project.
February General André Denk Takes Up Post as Deputy Chief Executive of EDA
General André Erich Denk takes up his duties at EDA on 1 February 2023. As deputy to Chief Executive Jiří Šedivý, General Denk will support EDA in its mission to improve European defence capabilities, stimulate research and technology, act as a military interface for EU policies and help develop European security and defence policy.
EDA brings together EU countries and Norway for Joint Procurement of Ammunition
All EU Member States and Norway sign the European Defence Agency (EDA) project arrangement for the collaborative procurement of ammunition. The project opens the way for EU Member States and Norway to proceed along two paths: a two-year, fast-track procedure for 155mm artillery rounds and a seven-year project to acquire multiple ammunition types. In full respect of sovereign national decisions and without prejudice to the specific character of the security and defence policy of any EU Member States, the project may be used to replenish Member States’ national stockpiles and/or aid Ukraine.
Denmark joins the European Defence Agency
Denmark became the 27th member state of the European Defence Agency (EDA). Head of the Agency, Josep Borrell, received an official notification from acting Minister of Defence, Troels Lund Poulsen, that Denmark will join EDA, which was set up in 2004 to support European defence cooperation. Following the conclusion of a Danish parliamentary process, the decision is the result of Denmark’s historic national referendum to lift its opt-out on European defence in June 2022. Danish participation in EDA broadens membership of the Agency to all EU Member States.
EDA–U.S. Department of Defense Administrative Arrangement Signed
The European Defence Agency (EDA) and the Department of Defense of the United States of America (DoD) formalised a framework for cooperation through the signing of an Administrative Arrangement (AA). The EDA-DoD AA provides for stronger transatlantic cooperation in defence in specific areas, including in the exchange of information.
May Second edition of the European Defence Innovation Days
Under the auspices of the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU, the EDA launched its second edition of the European Defence Innovation Days (EDID), which offers a platform for collaborative defence research and capability development. EDID, which brought together 500 participants from the industry and the wider defence community, has a central role to play as technology, in areas from satellites to cyber security, bridges both the civilian and military worlds.
June Climate change and EU defence: released new report analysing the links between climate, energy and defence
The defence sector is critical for maintaining the safety and stability of our society. However, the sector is at risk from climate change either through direct impacts of climatic hazards or indirectly because of its dependence on vulnerable entities that operate critical energy infrastructure. The defence sector must therefore increase its resilience to climate change. A study of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre and the European Defence Agency addresses for the first time the climate-energy-defence nexus and proposes actions for EU defence to ensure climate resilience and energy sustainability.
July EDA to support two further PESCO projects in the air and maritime domains
The European Defence Agency (EDA) will support two new projects developing the next generation of systems for European defence under the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) initiative.
In the air domain, the Next Generation Small RPAS (NGSR) project will pave the way for an advanced unmanned aerial system (UAS) prototype by 2027, while in maritime, the Essential Elements of European Escort (4E) project, sets out to identify and detail the essential elements of future surface warships within the EU from 2030 to 2045.
EDA’s Steering Board recently approved the launch of specific EDA ad hoc projects for both, following a request from the participating Member States (pMS) involved. 2023
November EDA’s largest ever counter-IED exercise concludes in Spain
Bison Counter 2023 (BC23), the largest European exercise to combat improvised explosive devices (IEDs), concludes in Spain after 12 intense days of joint training. The exercise, hosted by the Spanish Armed Forces, mobilized more than 1,000 personnel from 16 countries, either actively in different trainings or as observers. More than 270 scenarios were conducted between the two exercise sites.
November EDA transfers helicopter programmes to MHTC in Portugal
The European Defence Agency (EDA) has handed over its long-running helicopter training programmes to the Multinational Helicopter Training Centre (MHTC), hosted by Portugal at Sintra Airbase No. 1, with the aim to reach Initial Operational Capability (IOC) on 1 January 2024. Full Operation Capability should be achieved in 2026. The MHTC project is supported by 14 European countries.
With no equivalent in NATO, EDA’s helicopter programmes have included several training activities, including tactics, electronic warfare and 'Composite Air Operations' planning courses, multinational exercises and an annual helicopter tactics symposium. 2023
March European satellite constellation for very low earth orbit to launch in two years
The European Defence Agency (EDA) brings together two EU Member States to develop a satellite demonstrator that can manoeuvre from Low Earth Orbit (LEO) to Very Low Earth Orbit (VLEO) – and back again. The €10 million project – called LEO2VLEO: Military Crisis-Response Satellite Constellation – with the Netherlands and Austria, will design, develop, launch and operate a constellation of between two and four satellites.
It aims for a space launch in 2026. In this innovative approach to space, the project will, once operational, have the capability to support military operations. 2024
April EDA and SatCen begin new phase of cooperation for enhancing maritime surveillance
The European Defence Agency (EDA) and the European Union Satellite Centre (SatCen) sign a bilateral agreement on 14 March 2024 to initiate a new phase of cooperation within MARSUR, the maritime surveillance information exchange system crafted by EDA.
In its third stage of development, which is known as MARSUR III, the project is upgrading its technology and capabilities. That will include the exchange of classified information. The bilateral agreement will provide the operational basis for the exchange of relevant data between SatCen and the MARSUR community through a secure network. 2024
May EDA Steering Board approves second Long-Term Review
The 27 EU Ministers of Defence approved the Agency’s 2024 Long-Term Review, outlining five core tasks for the Agency with a stronger focus on supporting Member States through the full development cycle of military capabilities. Ministers agreed to increase the number of EDA’s core tasks from three to five, with dedicated taskings on aggregating demand towards joint procurement and enabling collaborative defence research, technology, and innovation.
May 155mm ammunition being ordered through EDA starts being delivered to the ordering Member States.
EDA delivers on its commitment to procure 155mm ammunition on behalf of Member States and in support of Ukraine.
In March 2023, all 27 EU Member States and Norway have signed EDA’s project arrangement for the collaborative procurement of ammunition. The project opened the way for EU Member States and Norway to proceed along two paths: a two-year, fast-track procedure for 155mm artillery rounds and a seven-year project to acquire multiple ammunition types.
July 20th anniversary date of EDA
On 12 July 2004, Member States formally adopted the Council Joint Action 2004/551/CFSP on the establishment of the European Defence Agency, EDA's birth certificate.
October EDA and the EIB Group deepen partnership in support of financing for defence
The signing of an updated Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) enables both organisations to identify financing needs for collaborative defence projects involving EU Member States and their defence industries to support capability developments, research, development and innovation (RDI), technology, and infrastructure in the area of security and defence in the EU.
EDA and the EIB Group deepen partnership in support of financing for defence
The signing of an updated Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) enables both organisations to identify financing needs for collaborative defence projects involving EU Member States and their defence industries to support capability developments, research, development and innovation (RDI), technology, and infrastructure in the area of security and defence in the EU. This strengthened collaboration comes at a critical time, as Europe faces increased calls for greater investment in security and defence.